Whale Watch Weeks on the Oregon Coast

198 NE 123rd Street
Newport, Oregon 97365
Email: whale.watching@state.or.us
URL: Whale Watch Weeks on the Oregon Coast
Phone: (541)765-3304
Three particular weeks of the year offer spectacular opportunities to view gray whales. Consequently, the area now recognizes these whale watch weeks with special programs for the enthusiast.
The first is in the spring, and usually corresponds with spring break. In 2016, it runs March 19th and March 26th. You can check the Oregon State Parks Whale Watching Center’s calendar to confirm the dates each year.
During the summer, you can see resident whales during the last week of August through to the first Monday in September through the Whale Watching Center.
The winter whale watch week runs during the Christmas break. In 2015, over 1,644 gray whales were seen between December 27th and December 31st. The Whale Watching Center and Depoe Bay sea wall are excellent places to spot gray whales as well as the Rocky Creek State scenic viewpoint, Cape Foulweather, the Devil's Punchbowl State Natural Area and Yaquina Head.