Neskowin Beach Golf Course

48405 Hawk St
Neskowin, Oregon 97149
URL: Neskowin Beach Golf Course
Phone: (503) 392-3377
The Neskowin Beach Golf Course is one of the oldest on the Oregon Coast. It was built in 1932 and continues to offer a friendly atmosphere and 2,591 yards of golfing fun.
The community owns this course and they take pride in maintaining its tradition in the area. It’s perfect for beginners and family outings because the course is relatively easy.
They have a Movie Night on Fridays at the 1st Tee just at dusk. Check their family special events too. You may be able to get in on a frisbee golf tournament, play Scrabble, or do a walking tour if you’re looking to try something different.
Neskowin Beach is halfway between Lincoln City and Pacific City on Highway 101.