Jennifer Sears Glass Art Studio

4821 SW HWY 101
Lincoln City, Oregon 97367
URL: Jennifer Sears Glass Art Studio
Phone: 541-996-2569
Jennifer Sears Glass Art Studio is a great place to visit because you learn to blow glass with the help of local artisans. They’ll teach you how to make your own work of art that you can treasure for years to come. Craft a fluted bowl, paperweight, starfish, heart or float. You choose the color and they supply the materials and guidance - just bring your imagination! They’ll even arrange shipping to your home if you need it.
You’ll need to make a reservation, but the process only takes about half an hour. Even PBS visited the studio to learn the process. You’ll need to wear closed-toed shoes and avoid fleece - it melts.
You’ll have plenty of help and instruction and when you’re done you’ll have an amazing piece of art you made using techniques handed down through the centuries.